In Conclusion!

August 31, 2003

Consider: What Is Your Goal For Wanting To Grow Spiritually?

  1. What are your spiritual fantasies, e.g., who would you like to become with your skills?

  2. If you enjoyed a constant mystical communion with God, what would you do with it?

  3. If you experienced a direct path to Heaven, what would your consciousness desire after your arrival?

  4. Can Spirituality become yet another form of perceiving life through material thought forms, e.g., would you like to be the Michael Jordan of God's Kingdom?  Do you have spiritual ambitions?

  5. Would you pursue Spirituality if it meant the dissolution of self, the loss of your known identity?

  6. Would it confuse you to learn that highly evolved minds and spirits can block the flow of God's energy passing through them?  While they have surrendered self, their new awareness of non-self may actually develop into a new self that acknowledges that they have mastered many or all things.  Might this awareness marginalize the presence of God?

  7. What would your next decision be if you knew you could go anywhere and experience anything without losing your center?  Might going to Hell appear attractive to you?  Think!  "As you have done it unto one of the least of these, you have done it unto me."

  8. Would you like to reach a point in your evolution where no one or nothing could hurt you again?  Suppose you learned that such is already true and has been true for your entire lifetime?  Your cautious and discrete defenses only reveal where you are and what you fear.

  9. How long do you imagine you could withstand an experience like Job and not lose trust that your life has purpose?   Such spiritual conditioning might be required of some people.

  10. What would you required if you had to embrace your shadow side?  Pain comes from the part of you that does not know God, yet it still has authority over the level of your peace.

How Do You Process The Nature Of God?
(some attitudes of spirit)

  1. God knows nothing of human comfort zones, rewards and punishment.  Such thoughts are created from human values and judgments.

  2. God does not micromanage or intervene as the ongoing drama unfolds on the physical plane.  The matrix (the swirling, cyclical themes of human existence) has featured many episodes where God has been or is perceptibly absent: Jesus' death on the cross, Hitler's extermination of the Jews, American military detonating two nuclear devices over many innocent people in Japan, infants dying of addictions and millions dying of starvation around the globe.

  3. On the contrary!  God saved humanity through Noah and the ark.  God spared the Israelites from an advancing Egyptian army that God later destroyed.  God interceded in the life of a Jewish carpenter to fulfill Hebrew Biblical prophesy.  God acted to preserve the Scriptures.  God's acts are abundantly clear.

  4. God is praised for every blessing and associated with many miseries.  We seldom allow anything to simply happen because that is the created nature of the matrix, i.e., to present dramas through which we pass in order to rediscover our identity and create with our energy.  Understanding our experiences through this perception gives every experience purpose.

  5. Humanity must use God as its role model. God is discrete, almost shy and unassuming.  God wears no power whatsoever that is discernable even among those who are revered as the most highly evolved beings in the spiritual realm.  God uses the element of constant surprise, the quintessential nature of what creative, loving energy displays.   It does not occur to God to reveal the nature and purpose of God’s activities.  Always such acts must be discerned by the ones perceiving them.  This often makes hindsight the joy that it is.  As Professor Nenry Nouwen wrote, “In God’s sight, the things that really matter seldom take place in public.”

What May We Look Forward To In
Paradise (some attitudes of spirit)

  1. A life of bliss and ecstasy, a peace that exceeds well beyond our understanding.

  2. An opportunity to accept our eternal reward with profound gratitude to God because we followed Jesus Christ as our personal savior. "We have fought the good fight, have finished the race and have kept he faith." (2 Timothy 4:7)

  3. We cannot accept any eternal reward that was promised because of our knowledge that many of our brothers and sisters still walk in darkness (spiritual ignorance).  We decide, as did Jesus, to divest ourselves of all divine acclaim and reward in order to walk among others who know little or nothing of the fruits of the spirit.  All students, ignorant though they may be, cry out for a teacher who knows the art of communicating truth so that even the "least of these" can understand.

  4. We travel through a tunnel much like a fetus as it is expelled through the vaginal canal.  We are greeted by a being of light that enables us to make the transition from our solid form to that of spirit with less uncertainty and anxiety.   The illusions from the matrix, the physical realm from which we came, are instantly dissolved.  We now come face to face with truth which before we could only see dimly (I Corinth. 13:12).  We eagerly await our next opportunity to create, once we have examined the areas within our soul that were too easily seduced by the temptations to plateau or engage in delay.

  5. Nothing happens.  Our lives were here for a brief moment in time. Our experience manifested because eons ago, by an accidental combination of amino acids and proteins, we evolved to a point where we became sentient beings.   We brought to our experience of life the best that we knew how to radiate.  Eternity, however, is a myth generated by minds who engage in fantasy and wishful thinking.  The human mind will not allow us to conceive of extinction because it would deny our hope that breathes meaning into our daily drama and into the horizons toward which we believe we are walking.

  6. We are extensions of God. God is evolving as we evolve.  Everything is evolving as creative energy continues to learn how to express itself better through greater and even more magnificent thoughts, which are given form.  God is infinite and so is each of us. None of us is lost because God is in control of the creative process.  Perfect love would not permit mistakes or ignorance to sentence any of us to a life of separation.  There would be no purpose to loss.  In the final analysis all is well and all our perceived struggles are just that, perceptions.  We learn, we grow and we create.