God’s Slow, Invisible Creativity

Meditation Delivered By Rev. Dick Stetler – December 24, 2015

Centenary United Methodist Church

Christmas Eve

    There is a lot of attention given to the Christmas season by special interest groups. We Christians, of course, desire new insights and fresh applications for our lives because of Jesus' arrival.  Our diverse political climate has caused publicly elected officials to focus on not offending those of other faiths.  "Merry Christmas" has become "Happy Holidays."  Advertisers are interested in luring everyone into spending lots of money on their products.  Where does Jesus' life fit into God's ultimate plan for humanity?  

    If Jesus' birth were the ultimate revelation to humanity created from the mind of God, why did it happen the way it did?  Think about this.  God has unfathomable capabilities to provide people with curiosity to understand the significance of the road map Jesus provided through his life and teachings.  God did not make that happen.   

    Even though Christians have always sensed a great urgency to save people, to spread the Gospel, God apparently has not had the same motivation.  By our standards, God has created at an exceedingly slow pace and has done so with little visibility.  Compared to the Advertising industry, God has done very little to attract anyone to the blueprint for living the miraculous life that Jesus knew was possible for all people.   Why has God behaved in this fashion?

    Some time ago in Brussels, Belgium several tents were erected in one of the major shopping districts.  Free mind-readings were being offered to shoppers by a guru.  A good number of people went to see him. Most of them remained highly skeptical of anyone's ability to read minds. The readings, however, were frighteningly accurate and highly specific in their details for each individual.  Nothing he said had the generalizations that are often associated with people who claim to have unique psychic powers and abilities.        

    At the end of each personal session, a curtain was dropped and behind it were several men dressed in ski masks posing as computer hackers feverously working on their computers.  They had been funneling personal information that they gleaned from the Internet to the guru's invisible ear buds. 

    The point of this exercise was to demonstrate the extent to which advertisers and other vendors are willing to go to obtain as much information as possible about our personal tastes and spending habits.   (http://www.youtube.com/embed/F7pYHN9iC9I?rel=0)   Very revealing information about us is available on line simply by entering our name.

     Think about the agonizingly slow pace that God has worked.  Jesus' birth was not extraordinary. He was not born in a major cultural center like Athens, Rome or Alexandria.  Rather, he was born in one of the poorest and most obscure parts of the world.  At the age of thirty, he left his carpentry shop to teach people to love their neighbors and their enemies.  His words were never recorded by him or anyone else.  His listeners were typically those with no formal education. Most of them were unable to read and write. It is nothing short of miraculous that any of Jesus' life and teachings survived to the twenty-first century.

    He threatened religious leaders with his message that God and God's purpose for our lives were within each person. That teaching alone was considered blasphemy.  Jesus was captured in a garden, tried in a religious court, found guilty and crucified for a capital crime against Rome.  Again, such crucifixions were common in Roman territories.     

    Think of how confused Jesus' mother must have been as she watched her eldest son die on a cross.  She had been promised by an angel, "God will make your son king, as was his ancestor David and he will rule over the descendants of Jacob forever.  His Kingdom will never end." (Luke 1:32)  From her level of understanding, none of that happened. 

    So far in human history, God has taken thousands of years to capture the attention of comparatively few people. Why are today's advertisers far more successful at luring people to buy their products than God?  The answer becomes quite clear when we understand that God knows the real identity of each one of us.  

    Something quite invisible has been taking place in the created order.  The human spirit is in an evolutionary process, an incubation period.  God has demonstrated no concern that billions of people totally ignore the road map Jesus freely offered to everyone. Why?  What does God know about us that we have yet to understand?

    God knows that everyone on earth is on the spiritual path, but billions of us are still creeping down the entrance ramp.  God is exceedingly patient with the evolution of us spirit-beings because he has given everyone the gift of free will.  God does not manipulate people like the advertisers do.

    Free will is just that.  Since the beginning of the existence of our species, God has given everyone the right to do exactly as he or she wishes without any judgment coming from God.  The consequences of having free will can be quite dramatic.

    People become emotionally challenged in countless ways when their friends, spouses and loved ones fail to live up to their expectations.  People commit suicide. People retreat into alcohol, prescription medications, gratification through sexual promiscuity, mind-altering drugs and sugar-laced comfort foods.  They may demonstrate little or no concern for the health of their bodies. 

    Free will can become a very difficult aspect of life to negotiate.  The responsibility for our development rests on our shoulders and no one else's. We can blame no one or any unique set of circumstances for who we have become.  The truth remains whether we like it or not -- we are the sum total of all our choices.

    Can we now understand why God does not need to advertise, lure or entice anyone to connect the dots on their true identity?  God knows that no lifestyle, no hidden appetites, no amount of material wealth, no level of physical pleasure and no self-admiration for the magnificence of our physical bodies will bring to any of us what we want from our lives.  Everything in the external world is constantly changing.    

     God knows that nothing else works to give us happiness and fulfillment everyday of our lives without our also desiring loving and compassionate energy to flow away from us without expectation of anything in return.  This is what Jesus demonstrated with his life and ministry.  This is what we welcome this evening and tomorrow as we celebrate his birth.

    This truth has been in front of us since the dawn of history, but people continue to choose to look for their happiness and fulfillment in places that cannot possibly give it.  A number of people have mistakenly confused Jesus' road map, Jesus' blueprint for living with religious beliefs.  (Luke 9:49f)  

    This mistaken perception has all but destroyed the universality of Jesus' message. This mistake has given rise to divisions based on the false belief that "We have the exclusive path to salvation."  Such a misinterpretation of creation is not God's problem.  God has given all of us an infinite amount of time to figure out and develop who we are.  

    Christmas is the time when we celebrate the dawning of an invisible spiritual consciousness that Jesus pointed to with his life and teaching.  God does not give us the gift of life and then take it back simply because we never learned how to express that gift's potential.  

    For thousands of years, people have wandered in the physical world searching for the dynamic and creative energy that was part of them since their birth. God allows us to run down every blind alley until something in our experience flips the switch to our spiritual awakening.

    We have forever to learn how to use and expand our spiritual awareness but only when our free will, our desire, chooses to do so.   We gain nothing by putting off making such a choice until tomorrow.  Most of humanity has been doing that for thousands of years and that choice has yet to be made.   If we are in that category of procrastination, why not make it tonight?  

Merry Christmas!