“One Voice Among Many”

Sermon Delivered By Rev. Dick Stetler – November 24, 2019

Centenary United Methodist Church

Proverbs 4:1-13; Matthew 7:24-27


Centenary's 180th Anniversary


    What does it mean to us to be celebrating Centenary's 180 years of continued service to our community?  What purpose has our church served?  In fact, what does any church hope to accomplish in their respective communities?  The mission of every church should be an extension of what Jesus was doing – teaching people how to live in this world.  Jesus' mission can be summed up in three words:  "Follow my example." 

     Jesus said:

Anyone who listens to my words and follows through on how to live in our world is like a person who builds a house on a rock.  Those who hear my words and they choose to ignore them are building their houses on sand.  When the storms-of-living come, only one house will survive because it was built on a rock. (Matthew 7:24f)

    What is fascinating is that Jesus did not teach a message that was new to people. Jesus did not teach theology. He taught very practical values and attitudes that have been around for centuries. There was never any secret to living a life that produces satisfaction, happiness, fulfillment, and peace.

    The road map or blueprint for such a life has always been available to anyone interested in finding it.   Even conventional wisdom tells us that God feeds the birds. However, God does not throw food into their nests.  The birds have to search for their food, and their intuition tells them how to find it. Birds are guided by their instincts but where does their behavior come from?

    Read the Book of Proverbs that was written in the tenth century B.C. and you will understand that the way to a happy, successful journey here on earth has always been available.   We must learn the Law of Consequences which teaches people, "You will reap exactly what you sow."

    When Jesus said, "Build your lives on a foundation that is as solid as a rock," what was he teaching?  Many churches have had a similar identity as a lighthouse for mariners on the seas.  The purpose of a lighthouse is a navigational aid and warns sailors of dangerous areas. 

    People who pay little attention to the role of a church in their community may remain completely unaware of its purpose.  Where else in our society can people learn how to navigate successfully in a world filled with seductive advertisements for must have products that various vendors are marketing?  What was this rock that Jesus was referencing?

    Obviously, the rock is a symbol for something else.  People who think they know the answer could say, "Jesus was teaching that the kingdom of God is within each of us."  Communicating with words that only Christians may appreciate is nothing more than a word game.  Word games sound wonderful but they do not communicate very well.

    We have to remember that what Jesus taught really had little to do with a religion.  Jesus' words were giving a verbal-compass to anyone who wanted it for navigating in the material world. Most of his lessons were based on variations of the The Golden Rule that can be found among the teachings of every religion, "Treat others in the way that you would like people to treat you."  Again, Jesus teachings play a similar role as the light that comes from a lighthouse.  There are no religions based on the role that lighthouses play for mariners.    

    Every church has a culture that may be totally different from any other church. Definitely, there are different strokes for different folks.  Even in the United Methodist Church, a newcomer can find a variety of church cultures.  Everything can be found from a social club to fire and brimstone worship services that declare that everyone needs saving by the blood of Jesus Christ.

    If anyone presented me with such a message, particularly if I were a newcomer to that church, I would find another culture that was less judgmental!  If being bathed in the blood of anyone was important to navigating in the maze of living, most certainly Jesus would have mentioned it during his ministry. He did not. However, we Christians know the meaning of being saved by Jesus blood is like building our lives on a firm foundation.   

    Again, what was the meaning of this rock Jesus referenced in our lesson?  A tension has existed within people since the beginning of our species on earth.  We are all infinite beings who are having a physical experience in very limited and temporary bodies.  What causes this tension in our lives?

    Most people understand that there is the one world that surrounds us with opportunities to earn a living, to select a mate, and to make choices of where we want to live. The lighthouse, the Church represents, teaches that there are actually two worlds.  There is a tension, a tug-of-war, between the two worlds. A vast majority of people have no idea about the existence of a second world.

    In one world, our experience comes through our five senses and the other world remains invisible to our senses.  Of the two worlds, the invisible world is dominant but who is telling people about world number two? The world that we cannot see governs our attitudes, our intuition, our imagination, and our motivation. Where do we think artists, musicians, authors, and inventors get their inspiration to create?  For instance, the first personal computer came from the mind of Steve Jobs, founder of the Apple company. The idea of inventing a product that would forever influence how business is done, how people communicate all over the world, and how one industry would inspire the development of artificial intelligence along with other associated technologies came from the world that no one can see.

    If this invisible world remains unrecognized and undeveloped, we tend to become lost by hoping that the temporary props found in the world that everyone can see will save them from a life associated with scarcity and poverty. Nothing in the material world will give us what we hope it can. Such a hope is why so many people chase wealth, power, prestige, and notoriety.

    King Solomon, ruled the Hebrew people for 40 years and became the wealthiest person in the ancient world.  He collected wisdom literature searching for a missing piece of life's puzzle.  He never learned about the existence of the invisible world.  He could discipline himself to rule wisely, but he missed the point of ruling wisely from a spirit and desire to do so. There is a great difference between obedience to laws and using loving energy patterns to govern the choices that we make.

    When we develop our invisible world, we might find a supervisor in our work environment saying to us:

Our business needs more people working here like you.  Everyday your attitude is enthusiastic, kind, and helpful. I really like having you on our team.  Whatever you have inside of you affects everyone working with you. We all feel it.  

    Once accessed and understood, this invisible world can produce timeless values and wisdom for living in the world that everyone experiences.  The attitudes that we can cultivate are welcomed by everyone in the world. The Apostle Paul described this process better than anyone when he wrote:

Do not conform yourselves to the values and attitudes found in the material world.  Allow the spirit within you to transform the way you think and the way you feel.  Doing so will completely change how you order and prioritize your lives. (Romans 12:2)

    What this process teaches is how to harness and direct the loving energy patterns within us that will focus our attitudes like a laser beam.  Here is a list of attitudes that everyone has the potential to express:  "Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control." (Galatians 5:22). This invisible world is the rock that Jesus was teaching his listeners.  By building our lives on such attitudes of being, we are reflecting the world where we came from.

    If you want to read about an example of what rock-based-attitudes look like, please read the front-page article in the Lifestyle section of Friday's Royal Gazette.  The story described Dennie O'Connor who just landed the food and beverage concession at the new airport.  Attitude is everything a person needs from opening doors that were not visible, to inspiring everyone who enjoys working side by side with them. Dennie responds to everyone with the same courtesies to a custodian as he would to a company's chief executive officer.

    An insightful question that an inquiring person might ask is this:  "If God, Jesus or the Apostle Paul created the Church that acts like a lighthouse for humanity, why has the church fallen out of favor with people?"  The answer is not that complicated.  People have a choice of what inspires and motivates their lives.  Many people want what the material world promises rather than harnessing the loving energy within their invisible world.  This energy pattern, our spiritual DNA, came with us at birth from the world of our origin.

    Actually, the followers of Jesus were the ones who created the church.  Jesus started and ended his three-year teaching career with less than 25 people.  Numbers of people were never important to Jesus.  Think about this -- the entire population of the world died many times before Jesus' message began spreading everywhere. 

    What has mattered in the evolution of humanity is what people have learned about themselves from being on this temporary journey.  How have we used the little power that we develop to influence others?

The light from Jesus' teaching has lasted for thousands of years.  Today, as in every generation, Jesus' message is one voice among many others.  Centenary has lasted for 180 years helping people access their inner world by learning to reverse their energy flow from being about attitudes of self-interest to attitudes we display to others. People who become lost in this life as a result of searching for what has never been there, need to be loved and given guidance not judged. 

    One final thing:  God would never put us in charge of our eternal destiny. Our Creator has never declared, "Chose my way or you will remain lost forever. Your choice!" Others have made that claim on behalf of God, but Love would never use fear to interfere with God's gift of free will. 

    We are already infinite beings who develop amnesia soon after we come through the birth canal of our mothers.   This is the price we pay for the opportunity to come here to see how we do in an artificial world that is nothing more than a simulator like the one used by pilots to sharpen their skills of flying. This world is perfect for what it was designed to do.  All of us eventually return to our home where we will recover from our amnesia during the process of reentry.  (John 14:2)

    We will not forget the lessons we have learned about ourselves from our sojourn in a world where our infinite wings had been temporarily clipped.  Centenary, Happy Anniversary!  Perhaps it would be better to say, "Centenary, Happy 180th Birthday!"



Merciful God, we are seldom surprised when our faithfulness is being tested.  The voices of routine, habit, and compromise can easily entice us to perceive without love.  The hurtful words of others can easily injure our feelings when we personalize them.  Moments come when it appears safer to trust ourselves rather than to trust God with the words, "Thy will be done."  Life would never be the adventure that it is, if trust and faith were never required of us.  Heal our present perceptions so that our horizons of thought will continue to expand and grow.  Amen.



We thank you God that amidst all the issues that we face every day, we have this congregation of ours, on its 180th birthday, which helps us to stay in touch and focus on what is vital and authentic in our lives. What we celebrate this morning is that our church has been a lighthouse for thousands of people who have come and gone during all those years. 

As we think about the many issues facing our world right now, help us to remember each day that our mission field is right where we are. Enable us to understand our calling with clarity. We look forward to celebrating a period of Thanksgiving.  Help us never to take for granted our being so blessed to be experiencing our lives in Bermuda. We are glad to be alive. We are glad that we have a venue where we can live in a virtual garden spot.

As we face the coming of Advent next week, inspire us to make this walk once again to Bethlehem, a reminder that you are with us, that you come to us, that you inspire us, and that you live in us. May what we do hasten the coming of an age where "love thy neighbor" will be made visible everywhere. We pray these thoughts through the spirit of Jesus, who taught us to say when we pray . . .