“Human Fantasies Of Heaven”

Presenter: Dick Stetler – April, 2021

    Sooner or later there is one question that enters the minds of a good number of people regardless of their beliefs. That question is, “If there really is a life after this one, what would such an experience be like?”

    It is quite a challenge to think of another reality where physical forms are nonexistent, where spirit-beings are neither female or male, where human emotions are not necessary, and where each inherits the reality of living beyond the boundaries of time. 

    There have been experiences written by authors to suggest that the converse is true as well.  A number of incarnating spirit-beings feel too confined during the nine months it takes while their physical forms are being created. These moments are when they first feel emotions, feelings that can become terror for newcomers to the human experience.  They change their minds and retreat to the world of their origin.  The world of time, filled with physical forms is too much for them.  They refuse to conform to their new environment and they leave allowing a perfectly formed fetus to be born lifeless. 

    When searchers for answers turn to the Scriptures, they are greeted with human speculation where Heaven becomes a new earth where there is no death, no tears or sorrow, where streets are paved with gold and pearly gates will greet returning souls.

    Equally, Hell was created by humans to deal with evil people who misbehaved on earth.  This environment has been imagined to be a place where punishment, eternal torment takes place beyond the reach of our loving Creator who must have created such a place. The master of temptation and evil has been personified and named as Satan or the Devil. 

    This divine duality came from the beliefs of Zoroastrianism, a Persian religion where there was a god of light and a god of darkness. The Hebrews absorbed this belief while being held in captivity in Babylon. This belief made its way into Christianity where well-meaning clergy have used the concept to help personal salvation to become an urgent need.   Such a fearful idea, however, negates their preaching that God’s nature is one of unconditional love. 

    All of these realities came from the human imagination.   All of them are true for those who believe that they are.  For them, eternity in Heaven becomes a reward for having run the good race, or by living a life as a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. This means that human performance is required for salvation either by having developed specific beliefs or bringing into reality certain skills of spirit.  Again, such a suggestion cancels God’s amazing grace.

    Human imagination is wonderful because it gives individuals something to hold on to that gives them hope.  People feed on their beliefs and fantasies that their lives on earth are not the final chapter of reality. Further, it gives people the idea that there is justice for those who lived venomous lives.  This justice can be nothing more than an “eye for an eye.”  We are very challenged when we think of Adolf Hitler being in Heaven.  However, that is where his spirit-being went at his death. 

    Are there any hints in Scripture that give readers something substantive to anchor their hope that is far more than thoughtful speculation?  Jesus comes the closest when he said, “In my father’s house are many rooms (levels of awareness).  I would never tell you this if it were not true.” (John 14:2) 

    This gives a testimony that afterlife is universal and is not a reward to just an exclusive group of believers.  Everyone who ever lived in this world eventually graduates and enters the next level of awareness.  Each of us will continue to refine who we are designed to become.  Yes, even spirit-beings are still growing and maturing.  Like on earth, spirit-beings are not on the same level of awareness as others. Jesus taught there are different rooms or dimensions; none which are designed for punishment.

    The universality of living beyond the grave was experienced by Jesus and his inner circle of disciples while being together on Mt. Hermon. Jesus entered into a conversation with Elijah and Moses.  (Matthew 17:3) Jesus warned his disciples not to mention this experience to anyone until much later.  This episode was reported in the three synoptic gospels.  Obviously, neither of these men knew anything about Jesus during their lifetime.

    There is a Scripture that may be the closest to reinforcing what a good number people have reported during their surgery.  Patients have experienced being out of their bodies where they remembered conversations among their surgical team.  This passage is the only reference of a near-death experience reported in the New Testament.  (2 Corinthians 12:2f)

    Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a respected author, became fascinated by such experiences and wrote a pamphlet to record her findings on the out-of-body experiences of children. She is known for her frontier-shattering book, On Death and Dying.  She chose children to interview because they would have the least defined narrative, void of religious training.  The episodes she recorded were remarkable.

    Personally, Lois and I have had our own experience of her brother Keith following his death in a car accident. It happened one evening when Lois returned home from a meeting earlier than I did.  When she got home, Keith’s massive presence was everywhere up to a half mile before pulling into our driveway.  The experience was so unsettling and overwhelming that it motivated her to briskly walk to get inside our home. Before entering, she exclaimed out loud, “Keith, wait here, Dick will be home shortly.”

    As I was driving home, I, too, felt that Keith would be there.  When I got out of the car, I walked into our backyard.  I said out loud, “Keith. are you here?”  In my head, foreign words formed, “Dick, Dick!  Can you hear me?  Can you really hear me?”  I responded out loud, “Yes, I can hear you.  Where are you?”  He said, “I am standing right in front of you.” It was then that our back-and-forth communication began.

    He told me what happened during the accident and why he was where he was when it happened.  They had not eaten and his wife insisted that they stop for food.  He told me that she was blaming herself and was planning to join him in death. She felt that had she not insisted on their stopping for food, their car would have been further down the road. He asked me to call her every day to stop her.  Secondly, he told me that his parents were denying everything and have taken his picture down from the wall where his sisters and brother were hung.

    I did call his wife the very next day and when she heard what Lois and I had experienced, she began sobbing.  She said, “Dick, I have not told that story of our stopping for sandwiches to anyone.  There is no way you could have known.”  When we drove to Westfield, Massachusetts to visit Lois’s parents over Thanksgiving, sure enough, Keith’s picture had been taken down from the wall where pictures of his brother and sisters were hanging.

    Our discussion continued.  I asked him what it was like.  He said the same thing that was reflected in the 2nd Corinthian passage.  There were no words to describe where he was. He was mystified when we could experience him and no one else showed any awareness of his presence. He told me that he did not recognize anyone. Further, he asked me what he should do.  I told him to be kind and to ask the others where he should go.  Apparently, he found his way because he never again returned to us. Where did his spirit-being go?

    He found the entrance, a worm-hole that takes spirit-beings home.  Once there, the only way to return to earth is through a mother’s womb.  This worm-hole is like a birth canal. It is one-way only. Once Jesus entered it, like everyone else, he could not return.  All of the resurrection experiences ended once Jesus entered the worm hole.

    Many spirit-beings delay in crossing over.  They still have emotions, and enjoy watching the behavior of people when their friends and family know for certain that no one is watching.  Being at this level and electing to stay, they find that they can still communicate through high intuitive mediums.  However, eventually they, too, cross over when they are ready.

    God does not have an emotional connection to what we do with our lives.  God only sends angels to earth who, initially, come here to grow spiritually while in their limited forms.  The risk taken by incarnating spirit-beings is that they can lose the motivation to grow spiritually and join themselves to the material world with its illusions of wealth and power, forgetting that this is an opportunity to see what they could do with their lives. 

    Each of us displays what actually surfaces from within us that can help or hinder our spiritual growth. Everyone influences other people.  (Matthew 7:14) There is no Heaven nor Hell as many of us define it.  There are only more opportunities to continue growing at our own pace. Life on earth is like being in a simulator that offers us moments to display what we are. Life is very brief and then we graduate where we consider the results of our sojourn while in our limited forms.

    When we believe we are ready by being better prepared, we incarnate again as was described by Kahlil Gibran in the last sentence of his book, The Prophet, “A little while, a moment of rest upon the wind, and another woman shall bear me.”  Thus, the cycle of rebirths continues, giving each of us a true adventure just as the nursery-rhyme taught us when we were in grade school.  “Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.”