Our Relationship With Energy Patterns

     Are we alone in our bodies?
 The answer is no!  We have numerous energy patterns that also live within our minds and emotions.  They are the voices that have the power to direct our decision-making.  If their presence remains undetected and unexamined, our lives will be predetermined by what they fashion.  However, as we learn of their existence, we can recognize the lessons they are attempting to teach us.  Their existence represent the patterns that continue to bring up for us the cyclical themes that complicate life, that hurt us and that drive us to frustration. They
are begging us to change how we think.  Their role is to put a spotlight on our motivation not to evolve.  Their presence is objective, offering the same choices to each of us.

     They are as much a part of us as our five physical senses.  In learning how to understand their language we can create correctives that will significantly alter our thought patterns and thus allow us to be more in control over the quality of our responses to most events.  While there are many energy patterns, we will study four that appear to be universal to all people.

     The Child: This is the voice of innocence.  This is the part of us that is naïve and assumes that life is trustworthy and filled with new beginnings.  This is the optimistic quality within our nature that expects life to be wonderful.  This voice tells us that we will always be taken care of.  It causes us to look toward Heaven as the reward for living a life of right thinking and correct behavior. In the practical day-to-day living, it is this part of us that expects a raise in salary when we do well in our respective vocations.  It expects a spouse to treat us with intimate responsiveness, kindness, caring and faithfulness.  This part of us expects validation and appreciation. We need to recognize that this voice also screams the loudest when we are hurt and disappointed.  It causes us to brood and become consumed with anger when our world is not as we would prefer and when others do not live up to our expectations.  This voice makes the determination that we are being treated unfairly and becomes most determined to direct us to sue, get even or withdrawal from participating when a perceived injustice occurs.  This element inspires jealousy and envy when someone more powerful or popular enters our social or work environment.  Many people have their adult lives directed by their child when this voice goes unrecognized.  We can observe this happening during moments of road rage, sibling rivalry, unfaithfulness in marriage, or when adults reveal strong emotions when they perceive that they were betrayed or slighted by one or both of their parents.  If this voice is denied or ignored, adults will assume their childish responses are quite justified.  They will remain unable to recognize that their responses symbolize immaturity of spirit rather than communicating to others the injustice they believe deserves an apology or a correction.

     The Victim: This voice is with us from the very beginning of life.  It pinpoints our areas of vulnerability.  This voice prefers safety and security rather than encouraging us to take risks.  It evokes financial fears and directs us to invest our money in secure savings ventures.  This is the aspect of us that worries about being alone, about whether people will like us and fears new circumstances.  It reminds us that the world is unsafe and filled with people who want to take advantage of us.  This voice tells us that we are under educated, that others are more attractive and causes us to fear loss and change.  We need to recognize that this voice is begging us to step up and take charge. Only by confronting this voice will our self-esteem grow.  This voice is a stakeholder in keeping us small and insignificant. It tries to deny the growth of new talents and abilities because it prevents us from experimenting and taking risks with their use.  If we do not methodically remove the shackles and confines created by our most primitive fears, this voice will adjust how we perceive our world, direct the development of our theology and fashion our reality.  It is a highly controlling voice and often demands that we stay with beliefs of our parents, church or tribe.  This voice tells us that to experiment with our own thinking would be too risky.  When we confront our fear, however, our newly discovered confidence tells us that we can exude loving energy in any setting.  It tells us that a loving God would never abandon us.

     The Prostitute: This energy pattern has little to do with a style of sexual expression.  It is the voice that tells us that we can be bought.  It tells us that we are capable of negotiating with our power, values, attitudes and honor.   Recently we have seen examples of this with the corporate executives of Enron and Tyco who traded their leadership skills for the promises of increased wealth.  We see this in ourselves when we say, “I need to pay my mortgage so I won’t rock the boat by stating my opinions.” We will work in a job we despise for the sake of our financial obligations. People with ingrained values of morality will engage in sexual intimacies in the hope of being valued, accepted and wanted.  The spotlight is on the areas of life where we trade our spiritual evolution for the illusion of increased security.  We need to recognize that when our integrity and character are debatable, our growth is most vulnerable.  When we can’t be bought, our spiritual powers evolve.  When we realize that God has equipped us with everything we need for success, we will not be tempted to trade for what we believe we do not have.  This was the lesson behind the testing of Abraham when God directed him to sacrifice Isaac, or when Joseph was tempted by Potifer’s wife to violate his ethics.  This was the root of the temptation that came to Jesus in the garden.  When we recognize that we are no longer for sale, greater growth patterns will come to us.  Not only is confronting this voice the core of strong self-esteem, but such a posture will also allow us we to discard feelings of guilt, fear and inadequacy.  Our inner strength of will and purpose will emerge once we learn the nature of what may have been manipulating us and directing our lives for years.

     The Saboteur: This is the most powerful and rational energy pattern of the four.  Its voice will tell us why something won’t work.  It teaches us to be highly critical, to develop the worst-case scenarios and tries to convince us not to take risks.  All excuse making and procrastination come from heeding this voice.  It causes us to search for flaws and has the power to ruin potential relationships.  This voice helps us stay with yesterday’s hurts and failures, e.g., a failed marriage, being terminated at work or willfully preventing our moving forward because of someone’s act of betrayal. It supplies excellent reasons for supporting our hostile attitudes.  We need to recognize that this voice is shining a spotlight on our desire to disempower ourselves.  It is begging us to examine why we prefer the plateau instead of evolution.  If we are unforgiving, this voice will convince us that such a strategy was an excellent choice.  It tells us that if we forgive, there will be no justice.  It will neglect to inform us that forgiveness is about our skills of spirit rather than those of the offender.  Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest fits neatly into this pattern.  Only those who confront this barrier and grow beyond its clutches will continue their evolution.  The rest will engage in delay, convinced that they have won their inner struggles.  Actually, their pride causes them to plateau until the next occasion when their saboteur will bring yet another in a series of challenges inviting them to reconsider how they think.  The cyclical themes will continue for the rest of our lives until the response mechanism is addressed.  This repetitious voice will reveal itself in different forms symbolizing that the acquisition of a particular skill has not yet been achieved.